The characteristics of mean return period curves of intensity are studied. 研究了烈度的平均重现周期曲线的特征。
We have no precise prognosis on the return period, therefore scientific predictions are all welcome, but the most important thing is mitigation. 我们对于回归周期没有准确的预言,因此我们乐意听取科学预计,但是最重要的事情是减灾。
Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone; Application of Wind-driven Current Calculation in Return Period in Offshore 近岸低频波浪的Boussinesq模拟重现期法进行近岸海区风生海流计算的应用
The likelihood of earthquake occurrence is often described in terms of a return period. 地震的发生的可能性通常被描述为时延重现期。
Method of calculating return period of suddenly siltation on a silt-sandy beach 粉沙质海岸航道骤淤重现期的确定方法
Application of Wind-driven Current Calculation in Return Period in Offshore The pull of the undertow can drag swimmers out to sea. 重现期法进行近岸海区风生海流计算的应用近岸回流的冲力能把游泳的人涌到海里。
Calculating return period of Meizhou spring dry with Pearson-ⅲ probability distribution 用Pearson-Ⅲ概率分布推算梅州春旱的重现期
UHV Transmission Tower; Degree of Reliability; Safety Class Factor; Wind Load Return Period. 特高压输电杆塔;可靠度;结构重要性系数;风荷载重现期。
On Determination of Return Period in Design of Urban Drainage and Flood Control& Draining 城市排水与防洪排涝设计中重现期的确定
Relations among frequency, return period and risk rate of hydrologic events 水文事件的频率、重现期和风险率之间的关系
Risk analysis of return period of strong wind 大风重现期的风险分析
Earthquakes along the Japan Trench have a return period of about 30 years. 日本海沟地震约有30年左右的重复期。
Some types of probability distributions previously used for estimating wave height in return period are reviewed in this aper. 本文对以前使用的推算重现期波高的几种概率分布进行了评述。
But for 20-year return period flood, alternative is flood pre-discharge with 200 m3/ s in 72 h. 而对于20年一遇的洪水,可采用200m3/s进行72h的预泄。
Moreover, with respect to the dominant direction of wind NNW and SE, extreme values of wind speed at the return period are analysed, using Pearson(ⅲ) and Gumbel methods. The results are almost identical. 另外,在NNW和SE两个常风向,用PearsonⅢ型和Gumbel两种方法,做了重现期的极值风速分析,其结果基本一致。
This paper also discusses the influence of typhoon wave patterns on the coastal engineering design parameters such as wave height, return period, etc. 文中还讨论了台风波浪波型对海岸工程建设中的设计波高、周期等要素取值的影响。
New investment shall also be recovered in the return period. 新增添的投资,亦应在投资回收期内回收完毕。
In the design of water conservancy project and highway bridges, us often need reliable flow estimations, such as the annual average flow and a certain return period of peak flow. 在水利工程设计和公路桥涵设计中,常常需要得到可靠的流量估值,如年平均流量和一定重现期下的洪峰流量。
In the study of drought duration and return periods of drought intensity, under two different levels corresponding to the interception of drought level, the calculation about meteorological drought in Xianyang was made by use of the whole method of return period. 在研究干旱历时与干旱烈度重现期的过程中,分析了在两种不同干旱等级对应的截取水平下,采用全历时重现期法对咸阳市气象干旱进行了估算。
A fifty year return period numerical model for flooding was established, and from which flood surface level was obtained and the flood control capacity was analyzed. ( 2) Construction of Multispectral Image Database. 建立了海城河城区段五十年一遇洪水演进模型,得出了行洪水面线,对现状堤防的防洪能力进行了分析。(2)多光谱样本库的建立。
Analysis of the temperature of the winter weather in northern China, summarizes the snowmelt return period working mechanism of deicing pavement. 分析我国北方冬季气候的温度重现期,总结融雪化冰路面的工作机理。
Peasant 'Micro-credit, are loans provided by rural credit cooperatives based on farmers' reputation. The loans approve amount and the return period and require without collateral and guarantee. 农户小额信贷,是由农村信用社基于农户的信誉,向农户提供的不需抵押和担保的核定额度和归还期限范围内的贷款。